Friday, August 19, 2011

Believing We Are Enough

At what point in our lives will we stop believing that we are not enough? From the moment we are born,society brain washes us into believing that our happiness exists outside of ourselves in people, places and things. This external,conditional love we seek has the power to make us or break us. Sadly, we never realize that the chains that we perceive are setting us free, are actually enslaving us and only we have the key. If we give external factors the power to jerk us around and control our happiness, then we will always feel powerless and dependent on everything but ourselves. One day our spirit will wake up and realize that all we need is right here and right now in this very moment. All we have to do is start listening to the voice inside of us that says " I am enough."

Websters dictionary defines happiness as "A state of well being and contentment." I agree with this definition, I also believe that true happiness can not be obtained externally. While it may feel as if love, success, material wealth, etc are the source of our happiness, I would say that they are conditional and can not offer constant or even lasting happiness. Many argue that constant happiness is impossible. Of course none of us are elated 24-7-We have good days and bad days. I am referring to the kind of happiness that exists at a cellular level-a calm and constant, internal voice that tells us no matter what, we are enough. Many of us are guilty of living our lives in holding patterns, waiting for the perfect partner to come along, or the perfect job, etc. Some how, we convince ourselves that when these external conditions finally arrive, then we will experience true happiness. It is almost as if we have resigned to exist in this state of limbo until our ship arrives. For many, it does arrive and eventually it sails off, leaving them once again searching the horizon for the next ship to dock.

When I write these blogs, so many people ask me..."well, what is the do I do this?" The truth is, I don't know. I can only share what I have discovered for myself through my own experience, strength and hope. Each person has to find their own way. I believe that all of us has a unique path to follow in this life. Just like happiness, we have to seek our own answers inside ourselves, not from others. We can listen to others and observe their journey, but their answers belong to them alone, not us. I would say, stop looking to others to help you find your answers and trust that when the time is right, your soul will know exactly what to do.

I struggled spiritually for so many years looking outwardly for guidance from others. It never lasted, because they were not my answers-I was just merely bowering them. Eventually over time, I would find myself back in the same boat, lost and confused. I was trying to find my way using someone else's road map and not creating my own. That is not to say that the words of others are not valuable and even instrumental in inspiring us. What I mean is that at the end of the day, we have to walk our own lone path. It is simply part of our soul's necessary evolution. One day we have to wake up and learn to trust ourselves and create our own answers.

There is a place that is often overlooked and that is the state of "in between." As humans we tend to look at things black and white. We are either here or there, it is either then or now.... Those "in between" periods when we feel as if we are not growing or evolving are actually very powerful periods. When a seed is under the ground preparing to sprout-we cannot recognize its value, it is only when we physically see it shoot up from the ground that it takes on meaning. That dormant stage of a seed's process is similar to our own spiritual growth. Our soul is always evolving, even if we cannot see it. We just have to trust like that seed preparing to sprout-we too have a natural course to follow spiritually and in time we will blossom into exactly the person source intended us to be. Namaste.

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