Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We Cannot Learn To Live Until We Have Mastered An Understanding of Death

Death, the final frontier or the signal of another birth for our spirits? From the moment we are born, we are aware of our mortality. It is all around us. People are born and people die. We focus so much on the beginning and the end that we can easily forget to embrace the moment. What if someone were to tell you that death was not the end but simply your spirit leaving this physical body and returning to source. Once it left this body, it's spiritual journey continued, never ending. Would you live your life differently knowing that death was not the end, and spirit continues to exist and grow? Most of us don't cognitively want to acknowledge our lives eventually ending. It scares us to think that we will die and no longer be in this physical realm. For many death is frightening because we are confused about where we go afterwards.

Most Christians believe that they will go to Heaven, yet there are many people still left wondering where they will end up. The reality is if we hang on to this notion of dying too tightly, then our fear may keep us from fully living. Each of us has to come to terms with death in our own way. For many years I never questioned death much. Perhaps that was just the invincibility that youth brings. Something changed after I had my children. I began to worry about what would happen to my children if I were to cross over. This new question of death began to bleed into my life and that terrified me. I would lie awake at nights questioning and pondering where we go after we leave our bodies, and if this was it.

During a recent meditation, something magical happened. It was as if a calming voice told me that death was only the end of our flesh and not our spirits. After we left this physical body, our spirits moved on. Whether we came back again was up to us. I did not question it. It made sense and I somehow understood it. Does that mean that I still won't feel afraid to die? No, it just means that the question of where I go, the question of death's finality has been answered for me. learning to let go of the physical plane is hard for those spirits that love life and their 'humanness.'

There is calmness in the wake of this realization for me. While I want to stay here on earth and drink in all of her beauty, I also know that when my time is up, I will continue to exist on a different plane. I will grow and evolve and begin a new journey either back on earth or somewhere else. None of us can ever say what is. Einstein suggested that there were different planes or platforms existing simultaneously. Perhaps that is where we exist after we leave our physical bodies. We write our own script here on earth. We also write our own spiritual script after we leave. Only we can decide for ourselves what is right for us and for our own personal spiritual journey. Being open to the idea that we shift from one plane to another may help us live our lives here on earth to the fullest. Namaste!